MARVEL Industry Day @Empa

Sep 05, 2024, from 9:00 until 17:00, Empa-Akademie, Dübendorf

The MARVEL Industry Day will take place on September 5, 2024 at the Empa-Akademie in Dübendorf. The day-long workshop will bring together members of industry, academia, and public research institutions to discuss areas in which computer simulations can provide important insights to industry.  The workshop will include invited seminars from academic and industrial partners. The keynote presentation for the event will be given by Prof. Roberto Car from Princeton University. Speakers from companies such as IBM, BASF, Bosch, Microsoft, Schott and Beyond Gravity will present their outlook on how computer simulations can provide critical real-world insights to industry.

Tentative program

09:00 — Welcome coffee
09:30 — Introduction, NCCR MARVEL Overview and MARVEL Industrial engagement
10:00 — Keynote lecture : Prof. Robert Car (Princeton University): Title TBA
10:30 — Discussion
10:45 — Ivano Tavernelli (IBM): Quantum computing in the utility era
11:05 — Discussion
11:15 — Sandip De (BASF): Heterogenous catalyst design: High throughput experiments and machine learning accelerated high throughput simulations
11:35 — Discussion
12:00 — Lunch + Poster Session
13:30 — Maximillian Amsler (Bosch): Advancing materials innovation through classical and quantum computing at Bosch
13:50 — Discussion
14:00 — Loris Ercole (Microsoft Research): Accelerating computational materials discovery with Azure Quantum Elements
14:20 — Discussion
14:30 — Giulio Molinari (Beyond Gravity): Title TBA
14:50 — Discussion
15:00 — Leopold Talirz (Schott): Computational materials engineering at Schott
15:20 — Discussion
15:30 — Ivan Shorubalko (Empa): Colloidal quantum dots based photodetectors: materials, technology, concepts, architectures, performance, sustainability
15:50 — Discussion
16:00 — Panel Discussion
16:45 — Final remarks and conclusion


Register for free before 15 August 2024 (strict registration deadline). Coffee and lunch are included:

Researchers from academia (especially students) are encouraged to present their work during a poster session, the registration of which can be accessed through the above registration form. The research topic need not be directly related to industrial research.

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