IBM's RXN for Chemistry project team wins 2022 Sandmeyer award
The 'RXN for Chemistry' project team from IBM Research Zurich has won the 2022 edition of the Sandmeyer award, which is presented annually to a team or an individual for outstanding work in the field of industrial or applied chemistry. Congratulations to the team!
Three new INSPIRE Potentials fellows will join MARVEL for their Master's research projects
We are happy to announce that Virginie De Mestral (EPFL), Nataliya Paulish (EPFL) and Mie Engelbrecht Jensen (DTU) were granted INSPIRE Potentials – MARVEL Master's Fellowships after the October 2021 call. The three women will join MARVEL labs for a 6-month Master's research project — congratulations!
U.S. presents Materials Genome Initiative strategic plan
The Materials Genome Initiative was launched in 2011 to accelerate the discovery, design, development, and deployment of new materials by harnessing the power of data and computational tools in concert with experiment. The U.S. National Science and Technology Council has prepared the 2021 Materials Genome Initiative Strategic Plan, which updates and replaces the previous plan and reflects the significant advances that have been made over the past ten years.
#NCCRWomen — a look back at the campaign
What an intense 8 months it has been for the #NCCRWomen! More than 100 researchers from all fields of science introduced who they are, what they do and why they do it.
Two young MARVEL scientists win EPFL research project prizes
Congratulations to former MARVEL members Antimo Marrazzo and Pablo Piaggi on winning the Prof. René Wasserman and IBM Research awards for work on novel materials and entropy, respectively!
Giulia Galli wins the 2022 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics
Prof. Giulia Galli (University of Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory), chair of MARVEL's Scientific Advisory Board, has been awarded the Aneesur Rahman Prize, which recognizes outstanding achievement in computational physics research.
EPFL Excellence in Engineering summer internship program: applications open!
The application portal for the 2022 edition of the E3 EPFL Excellence in Engineering summer internship program is now open. The program is organized by the School of Engineering of EPFL and offers an intensive research training opportunity to Bachelor and Master students from all around the world, with various scientific backgrounds.
Mentoring the marginalized: thoughts by Shobhana Narasimhan
A huge and frequently unaddressed problem in science and academia is that people feel that they are faced with the task of climbing a huge mountain, all by oneself. Mentors can be the sherpas who lend a helping hand and share some of the burden, so that one no longer feels quite so alone. Shobhana Narasimhan, Professor at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India – and member of the SNSF's MARVEL Review Panel – shares her thoughts on the matter.
Coding club for girls all around Switzerland
MARVEL supports the Coding club for girls, a project initiated by the EPFL Science Outreach Department (SPS) with the support of the Federal Office for Gender Equality. It offers free coding workshops for girls 11 to 16 years old organized in French, German and Italian throughout Switzerland.
#NCCRWomen in school — a researcher in my classroom
Meet the #NCCRWomen and invite a researcher in your classroom to exchange with her about who she is, what she does and why she is doing it. Open to the teachers of the high school level.
Meet again the #NCCRWomen of MARVEL
The #NCCRWomen campaign shows how women in Swiss research are changing the world! Meet Giuliana Materzanini, Miriam Pougin, Emiliana Fabbri, Jigyasa Nigam and Chiara Ricca, all researchers of the NCCR MARVEL.
American NSF invests in designing materials for the future
The US National Science Foundation has announced a $65.3M investment in 37 new awards in the Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future program.