From MARVEL to industry

Many former members of our consortium have moved to the industry after working as PhD students or postdocs in one of the MARVEL laboratories. From ICT to energy,  from chemical engineering to automotive, several industry sectors value the skills and competences that can be developed doing research on computational materials science.  In this section, we talk to some former MARVEL members who are now working in the private sector, to know more about their experience and the advice they have for younger researchers who are interested in careers beyond academia.  

The list is not exhaustive and new interviews will be added regularly.

  • Leopold Talirz, formerly with Berend Smit's laboratory at EPFL, is now Senior Software Engineer in the Azure Quantum team at Microsoft. 
  • Giulia Mangione worked in Clémence Corminboeuf’s group at EPFL, and is now Design Tech Lead at Stellantis.
  • Leonid Kahle was a PhD and then postdoc in Nicola Marzari's lab, and now works for Materials Design Inc, a company specializing in atomistic simulation software.
  • Sandip De worked with Michele Ceriotti at EPFL from 2015 to 2018, and now leads a team working on quantum mechanical simulation at BASF.
  • Chiara Ricca, formerly in the group of Ulrich Aschauer and now with the chemical multinational company Dow.